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Deep Dive: Loss & Damage


We're in the thick of it with climate change, and the stakes are getting higher every day. The planet's warming up by more than 1.1°C already, and that's causing a whole host of problems: sea levels rising, storms getting wilder, and rainfall becoming a guessing game. It's a lot, and it's hitting millions of people hard.

Reducing our greenhouse gas emissions is a no-brainer at this point. We also need to pour resources into protecting communities from the fallout of these changes. But let's be real, our collective efforts to slow emissions and adapt to this new climate reality? They're not cutting it. This means we're facing losses and damages from climate impacts that are almost unavoidable now.

What's the Deal with Loss and Damage?

So, "loss and damage" has become a buzzword in climate circles, especially at those big UN climate negotiations. But what does it actually mean? It's about the hits we take from climate change that are too big or too complex to simply adapt to. This could be anything from historic sites washing away due to rising seas to communities being hit by extreme floods without the means to bounce back.

Despite being a hot topic, there's no official UN definition for loss and damage yet. It's a major climate justice issue, though, because the hardest-hit folks are often those who did the least to cause climate change in the first place. There's a lot of debate on how much dough developed countries should be coughing up to help out those in developing nations who are bearing the brunt of these impacts.

Breaking Down Loss and Damage

There are two main flavours of loss and damage. First, you've got the immediate disasters like cyclones or droughts. Then there's the slow-burn stuff, like sea levels creeping up or lands turning into deserts. Whether it's economic losses like damaged crops or non-economic like losing cultural heritage, it's all significant.

Mitigation, Adaptation, and Beyond

In the climate change battle, we've got mitigation (cutting down emissions) and adaptation (making changes to live with the new normal). But when those aren't enough, that's where loss and damage steps in. It's about helping folks after they've already faced the music of climate impacts.

The Road So Far

The conversation about loss and damage isn't new. It's been a bone of contention in climate talks for ages. From initial insurance scheme ideas to the recent establishment of a loss and damage fund at COP28, it's been a journey. But finding the cash to fill that fund? That's still a big question mark.

The Liability and Compensation Tango

One reason this topic is so tricky is because of worries that admitting to causing loss and damage could lead to legal issues and demands for compensation. Recent moves have aimed to keep the focus on cooperation, trying to sidestep these thorny issues.

Show Me the Money

Funding for tackling loss and damage could come from all over – think disaster relief funds, insurance, or even new taxes on carbon-heavy industries. It's about piecing together a big puzzle of funding sources to cover all the bases.

What Could This Cash Do?

Imagine what we could do with a solid loss and damage fund. We could insure farmers against freak weather, rebuild communities after disasters, or help folks move away from areas that are just not livable anymore. Tailoring these solutions to what communities actually need is key.

What's Next?

With climate change effects ramping up, the push for real solutions – and the money to make them happen – is more urgent than ever. As the loss and damage fund gets off the ground, there's a ton of work to do to make sure it can deliver for those who need it most.

For activists, this is a call to action. It's about pushing for justice, rallying for the resources needed, and ensuring the world listens. The road ahead is tough, but together, we've got this.

Want more on this?

Here's our latest podcast episode with Lautaro and Ben. The two activists from Argentina and the U.S. talk about Loss & Damage and their journeys as activists.