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Understanding Acter

🥼 Labs

Acter is a continuously evolving application, with frequent releases. While new features are being developed they are often made available to the wider audience as "lab experiments". Depending their maturity lab experiments can either be activated or deactivated. Once features are stable they are moved out of the labs into their own feature section to configure it to your needs.

Labs features are experimental and potentially immature ideas, features or concepts. We appreciate you wanting to check them out. Please provide feedback you have about these in the Feedback & Bugs Group Chat.

How to enable Labs

You can find the Labs under your Settings -> Labs-Section. There you can enable and disable features that are still in heavy development. Please note that default-off labs are often times immature and could cause instability in the app. Caution: Only enable labs if you know what you are doing and are willing to take the risk associated (see below).

Current Labs:

Push Notifications for mobile

Risk: low Default: on

We now offer mobile Push Notifications for DMs and Group Chats for Android and iOS. Upon activating this feature you will receive push notifications to your Android or iOS device. Upon click on the notifications the App should bring you to the right (chat) screen. Note that

  1. you must activate this for every device you want to receive push notifications on
  2. it is only available to iOS and Android at the moment
  3. you must restart the app after activating for it to take effect

Key Backup

Risk: low Default: off

See Encryption Key Backup

Chat Unread Markers

Risk: low Default: off

We started implementing a feature to track whether or not you have seen all messages of any particular chat. If this features is enabled and you have unread messages in a chat, a bubble will be shown on that Chat list entry in the chat room list, as well as on the Chat Icon in the Bottom and Sidebar.

There are known bugs with this feature, e.g. that it isn't accurately updating the tracking unless you scrolled within the room, but any feedback is highly appreciated.


Risk: low Default: on

We are testing out a new feature by which you can comment on objects within a space (e.g. Events, Pins, Tasks, etc). This is on by default, but we are still collecting feedback as this is also a potential way to spam and/or abuse a space. We also haven't yet settled on under which circumstances these comments should be included in push notifications or shown in the Activities Screen.